Beginning with the 2005 Capital Funds, HUD began requiring each Public Housing Agency to have an Environmental Review performed before being able to access and utilize their new Capital Fund Grant. This will be a requirement every year from this point forward; or until the regulations are changed.
Environmental Reviews are a “must have” if you are going to receive Federal Funding. The Environmental Review is required annually for Capital Funding, CDBG, EDI, Section 8 Admin, HOME HOPWA, Hope VI, & Operating Subsidy. Every work item in each Budget must be coded to the appropriate category according to 24 CFR Part 58, and include the corresponding documents required depending upon if the work converts to exempt or needs additional Assessing.
Housing Solutions Alliance is prepared to perform the review for your agency.
Just fill out the information sheet included with the link below and fax or mail or e-mail to us at:
P.O. Box 541628
Dallas, TX 75354-1628
Click below for request form: