We conduct the energy audits in accordance with 24 CFR Part 965, Subpart C, using accepted engineering methodology. Our energy conservation recommendations consider all HUD allowed utilities such as space heating, domestic hot water, cooking, lighting, refrigeration, small appliances, etc., and is calculated using ASHRAE approved methods.
Our field team reviews and analyzes historical utility consumption to determine the most desirable rate schedules and then develop recommendations as to the energy conservation measures that are feasible for implementation. Our report also details recommendations concerning utility metering systems, performance contracting and resident education programs for energy conservation. After receiving a request for a proposal, we send our proposal documents to the agency. After approval of the proposal we will schedule an associate to come on-site to the agency to gather all of the field work. The field work is then compiled by the associate off-site and a report of the audit is generated. The PHA will receive two hard copies of the audit in the mail to have available for review at the main administrative office
HSA provides Utility Allowance Studies for a wide array of Public Housing agencies throughout Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. The approach we take benefits both the PHA and our firm and keep costs low for small to medium sized PHA’s. We have associates we have worked with on the Studies for several years that possess extensive experience in the field.
The Utility Allowance Study we prepare is conducted in accordance with 24 CFR Part 965, Subpart C, using accepted engineering methodology. In determining the allowance, we focus on cooking, space heating, small appliances, refrigeration, lighting, air conditioning and hot water heating. We identify a recommended monthly individual quantity allowance for each type of utility by unit size, type and building in a written report and a recommended monthly individual cost allowance for each type of utility by unit size, type and building. We include in the report a breakdown of all appliance usage, a comprehensive analysis on the derivation of recommended utility allowances and all support data, reports, charts, etc., in a finish format.
After receiving a request for a proposal, we send our proposal documents and the worksheets that will be needed to complete the studies, the PHA does the legwork required on their side and when the forms are completed, they are then sent back to HSA where all of the information will be compiled and the study completed. The PHA will receive a hard copy of the study in the mail to have available for review at the main administrative office.