With the implementation of PIH Notice 2008-41 “Qualified” Public Housing Authorities are not required to submit an annual PHA Plan. However each PHA is required annually to make a Civil Rights Certification that must be submitted to HUD either by mail or scanned and e-mailed.
Energy Audit/ Utility Allowance Studies
We conduct the energy audits in accordance with 24 CFR Part 965, Subpart C, using accepted engineering methodology. Our energy conservation recommendations consider all HUD allowed utilities such as space heating, domestic hot water, and is calculated using ASHRAE approved methods.
Environmental Reviews
Beginning with the 2005 Capital Funds, HUD began requiring each Public Housing Agency to have an Environmental Review performed before being able to access and utilize their new Capital Fund Grant. This will be a requirement every year from this point forward; or until the regulations are changed.
Modernization Coordination
Housing Solutions Alliance has provided Modernization Coordination Services for many Agencies in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. HSA has recently added an Architectural division and is able to prepare specs, drawings, attend Bid Meetings, perform Site Surveys, ensure compliance with Davis Bacon..
Physical Needs Assessment
A Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a physical inspection that helps to assess the capital needs of public housing. It aids in strategic planning by identifying capital needs and associated costs to maintain the property for several years.

Rent Reasonableness Studies
This study is used to determine if rents for Homes on the Section 8 Program are comparable to rents being charged for homes of similar size, square footage, and age in the private market.
Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)
Public Housing agencies across the country have a backlog of capital needs that exceeds $25.6 billion. As a result of dwindling HUD funding and resources, between 10,000 and 15,000 units of affordable housing are lost each year!
Section 3 Reporting
Requirements of Section 3 apply to all Public Housing Authorities regardless of size or number of units. (Section 8 only Housing Authorities are exempt). Section 3 requirements also apply to any contractor that receives awards from PHAs regardless of the dollar amount of the contract.
Section 8 Administrative Plans
The Administrative Plan is an all encompassing document that lists the Housing Agency’s procedures for conducting business on a day to day basis. It addresses everything from the application for assistance, collection of income information from a family that has applied for assistance..
5 – Year Plans & Annual Capital Fund Submissions
With the implementation of PIH Notice 2008-41 “Qualified” Public Housing Authorities are not required to submit an annual PHA Plan. However each PHA is required annually to make a Civil Rights Certification that must be submitted to HUD either by mail or scanned and e-mailed.