Annual Plans
With the implementation of PIH Notice 2008-41 “Qualified” Public Housing Authorities are not required to submit an annual PHA Plan. However each PHA is required annually to make a Civil Rights Certification that must be submitted to HUD either by mail or scanned and e-mailed. Although submission to HUD is not required, the PHA is responsible for making the plan elements readily available for the Public.
12/31 FYE Agencies on October 18, 2014
03/31 FYE Agencies on January 17, 2015
06/30 FYE Agencies on April 17, 2015
09/30 FYE Agencies on July 18, 2015
5 Year & Annual Plans
HSA has provided 5 year Plans to over 300 agencies throughout the years in 5 states. HSA has a highly qualified and motivated staff to provide you with these services.
The next 5 Year & Annual Plans will be due for:
12/31 FYE Agencies on October 18, 2014
3/31 FYE Agencies on January 17, 2015
6/30 FYE Agencies on April 17, 2015
9/30 FYE Agencies on July 18, 2015
*A Physical Needs Assessment is advised for the completion of the 5 Year Plan.