Generally, 1099’s are required to be issued to any unincorporated entity you pay $600.00 or more during the year. Housing Solutions Alliance can assist you in meeting this requirement.
For us to prepare your 1099s for you, we will need a detailed recap of all such payments you made during the year. This listing would need to include at a minimum, the person or entity’s name, address, taxpayer identification number and amount paid.
If you are a fee accounting client, you may also employ us to help you in constructing this list.
If you employ us to write checks for you (for example, Housing Authorities who administer Section 8 Programs and make monthly rental payments to Landlords) we may already have a good portion of this list constructed for you.
We do ask that you notify us by October 31st (if possible) that you want us to do your 1099s for you, so that we may have an adequate supply of forms on hand to meet demand. If you desire assistance in constructing the required list please notify us as early in the year as possible as part of the documentation we may need to refer to in constructing the list may have already been shipped either back to you or to an auditor.